07 4630 6633
1/85 Main Street, Westbrook QLD 4350
During opening hours we can cater to most emergency situations, even if it is just the initial stabilisation which may require later referral to a specialist hospital.
Common emergencies relate to car accidents, heart conditions, snake and tick bites, poisoning and a range of injuries. Please phone us if possible to let us know you are coming, so we can be as prepared as possible for your arrival.
After Hours
We are fortunate to have 24/7 access to REDvets emergency service in Toowoomba.
REDvets Toowoomba - (07) 4602 06522 Margaret St, East Toowoomba QLD 4350
Upon arrival, your pet will be assessed by one of our veterinarians. We will aim to provide an estimate of the costs involved with your case, however, please be aware that with emergency procedures costs can vary depending on what services and treatments are required.
Our veterinarians will keep you updated regularly during the course of your pet's stay in hospital. In some cases we may need to refer to a veterinary specialist centre or 24-hour emergency facility.
Please contact us to discuss our after-hours arrangement, it’s always nice to know this information before you actually need it.