Westbrook Vets

Healthcare Services

Your pet’s health is our priority. From wellness exams and vaccinations to advanced diagnostics and treatments, we provide expert care tailored to your pet's needs. Our healthcare services also include dental care, nutrition advice, and preventative health plans to keep your pets happy and healthy for years to come.

Healthcare Services

Your pet’s health is our priority. From wellness exams and vaccinations to advanced diagnostics and treatments, we provide expert care tailored to your pet's needs. Our healthcare services also include dental care, nutrition advice, and preventative health plans to keep your pets happy and healthy for years to come.

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Hero Image on Health Checks
October 24, 2024
Dogs and cats age on average, age five to eight times faster than humans. By age two, most pets have already reached adulthood.
Hero image for Intestinal Worms
October 23, 2024
Intestinal worms are relatively common in many animal species including dogs, cats, rabbits, large animals, fish, reptiles and birds. Regular deworming is essential to ensure your pets remain healthy and to reduce the risk of some of these worms being transmitted to people.
Hero image for flea and tick control blog
October 22, 2024
Fleas can be distressing for your pet, however they are more than just a nuisance. Fleas can cause skin disease and transmit infectious or parasitic diseases, some of which can be transmitted to humans too. In some dogs, fleas can also trigger an allergic condition called flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), a skin disease that is intensely itchy and can result in hair loss and skin infections. In dogs with FAD, even a small number of fleas can cause intense irritation, meaning year-round flea control is essential!
hero image for heartworm blog
October 21, 2024
Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease seen in all mainland states of Australia. Dogs are more susceptible to heartworm infestation than cats, and heartworm disease also tends to be more severe in dogs. Adult worms live within the heart and large blood vessels where they can grow to more than 30 cm in length. Heartworm larvae, more commonly called microfilariae, can also be found circulating in an infected dog’s blood.
October 20, 2024
Vaccination has revolutionised control of infectious disease in our pets. It is essential that all pets are adequately vaccinated to help protect the pet population as a whole. Responsible pet care requires kittens to be given their initial course of vaccinations, but this cannot protect them for the rest of their lives. Adult cats require regular vaccination to maintain immunity against disease.
October 19, 2024
Vaccination has revolutionised control of infectious disease in our pets. It is essential that all pets are adequately vaccinated to help protect the pet population as a whole. Responsible pet care requires puppies to be given their initial course of vaccinations, but this cannot protect them for the rest of their lives. Adult dogs require regular vaccination to maintain immunity against disease.
October 18, 2024
Clinical pathology involves the laboratory evaluation of blood, bodily fluids or body tissues in order to identify existing disease. Common laboratory tests include blood chemistries, complete blood counts, blood clotting times, urinalysis, faecal tests, biopsy examination, cultures and infectious disease testing.
October 17, 2024
Our clinic is equipped with the use of an ultrasound machine for basic imaging such as pregnancies, uterine infections and bladder examinations. It may also be of use for us for other abdominal imaging such as ascites (fluid in the abdomen) or abdominal masses or tumours.
October 17, 2024
Our hospital is fully equipped to take radiographs (often called x-rays) of your pet. Our veterinarians will discuss your pet’s case and conduct a thorough physical examination to determine if your pet requires radiographs. Radiographs are a very important tool to help us diagnose diseases in animals, particularly for conditions involving bones, the chest or abdomen.
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Hero Image on Health Checks
October 24, 2024
Dogs and cats age on average, age five to eight times faster than humans. By age two, most pets have already reached adulthood.
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